
The Moon Shines Brighter During Mid-Autumn, Gathering Together in Joy at 99 Ranch Market 月到中秋分外明、齐聚百佳喜盈盈


On September 14th and 15th, in celebration of the upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival, the Mid-Autumn Food and Cultural Festival, hosted by the Tianli Cultural Foundation, took place at 99 Ranch Market with great festivity! The event featured activities such as riddles, raffles, food tastings, charity sales, and performances. The performances were scheduled for three sessions at 1:30 PM, 3:30 PM, and 5:30 PM, each packed with excitement and surprises!

Founded in 2017, the Tianli Cultural Foundation has been dedicated to serving the community and promoting Chinese culture. Its annual Mid-Autumn Food and Cultural Festival and Spring Festival Gala bring joy to the local Chinese community in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

This year’s festival was co-organized by 99 Ranch MarketZhang Chen Art SchoolXizi Guzheng Arts Center, and the Dallas Guzheng Association. 99 Ranch Market not only provided the venue but also offered generous cash cards worth $10, $100, $200, and $500.

The first performance was hosted by Tianle Tong, founder of the Tianli Cultural Foundation, along with Songmei. Tianle introduced the foundation and thanked the co-organizers for their support. She praised every participant and volunteer, whose collective efforts made the festival truly captivating. She then invited teachers Zhang Chen and Xizi to the stage to offer their Mid-Autumn blessings. Teacher Zhang wished everyone happiness and togetherness, while Teacher Xizi wished peace and joy for all.

The first performance was by the MaiZi Dance Troupe, founded in 2022. Their dance, Tang Yin, transported the audience to a beautiful scene reminiscent of ancient China. Little Ivy Liu then brought the song “My Homeland, the Sea,” evoking feelings of nostalgia for the homeland. With a beautiful voice and graceful stage presence, Ivy Liu, a silver medalist in the children’s group of the 2024 “Cultural China Water Cube Cup,” captivated the audience. Next, the Dallas Guzheng Association performed the ensemble “Crossing the Red Dust,” showcasing the beauty of traditional culture. Nine-year-old Anni Zhu from Star Light Studio performed a solo dance, “Flower in the Flute,” portraying a playful girl with her beloved flute. Sisters Wenya Hu and Anya Hu from Zhang Chen Art School sang “Blank Space,” delivering a harmonious and lively performance. Veteran magician Xiyun Yang wowed the audience with his incredible tricks and humor, earning thunderous applause. The first session concluded with a live calligraphy demonstration by teacher He Sanhe, who wrote festival blessings like “Full Moon” and “Happy Mid-Autumn,” much to the delight of the crowd.

The second session kicked off with a lively performance of “Marketplace” by the young students of Xizi Guzheng Arts Center. Multiple award-winners Kunlu Wang and Yintiao Yin from Zhang Chen Art School followed with their duet, “Stars and the Sea,” filling the room with positive energy. Kailie Poon from Liu Dan Dance Arts School performed the graceful dance, “Grass in the Water.” Special thanks were extended to Teacher Liu Dan for her support of community events. Friends Mia and Bella teamed up on piano and guzheng to perform the serene piece, “Big Fish,” evoking the purity of nature. Soloist Li Li from Zhang Chen Art School delivered an outstanding performance of “Left Hand Points to the Moon,” her soaring vocals captivating the audience. Regular community performer Weiping Lu brought blessings with his rendition of “The Moon on the Fifteenth.” Finally, sisters Izabella and Kayla from Xizi Guzheng Arts Center performed “The Call,” demonstrating their harmonious connection. The second session closed with the energetic guzheng duet “Fuxi Divine Sky Echo” by brothers Kevin and Keson, showcasing their incredible speed and skill.

The third session began with Bohan Xuan from Zhang Chen Art School, who won the gold medal in the children’s group of the Water Cube Cup in Dallas. He performed “Orchid Pavilion,” a song that captures the beauty of classical Chinese culture. The guzheng trio Keson, Kevin, and Keegan performed the powerful pieces “A Man Should Be Strong” and “Dreams of Sword and Saber,” filling the room with heroic spirit. Students Nuo Xuan Yang and Weili Lin, under the guidance of Teacher Zhang Chen, performed the duet “Shouldn’t Have,” beautifully conveying the sorrow of unrequited love. Students Mia Xiao and Xueru Luo from Xizi Guzheng Arts Center followed with the moving guzheng duet, “Yu Meiren,” presenting a timeless narrative. Summerly YinSarah Shi, and Jessalyn Wang from Xingji Dance Schoolperformed the enchanting dance “Dunhuang,” embodying the rebirth of ancient sculptures from the Dunhuang Caves. The third session host, Mingxia Qin, demonstrated her talents in singing, dancing, calligraphy, and painting. Accompanied by guzheng, she painted and wrote the phrase “Blossoms and Full Moon,” bringing the festival to a perfect close.

Over 500 people attended the two-day Mid-Autumn Food and Cultural Festival. The riddle activity attracted many families, with parents and children working together. Youth organizations like AYLUSYAAMHA, and the Asian Portrait Project participated, showcasing the talents of Asian youth. The food stalls were bustling, with handmade mooncakes being particularly popular. Saturday’s raffle awarded six $100 and two $200 cash cards, while Sunday’s prizes included one $500 card and ten $10 cards, all redeemable at 99 Ranch Market.

The 2024 Mid-Autumn Food and Cultural Festival, hosted by the Tianli Cultural Foundation and co-organized by 99 Ranch MarketZhang Chen Art SchoolXizi Guzheng Arts Center, and the Dallas Guzheng Association, concluded successfully. Thanks to all participants and volunteers! Wishing everyone a happy and prosperous Mid-Autumn Festival!






第一个节目来自于2022年成立的麦子舞团,舞蹈《唐印》将大家带回到“罗袖动香香不已、红蕖袅袅秋烟里”的唯美情境之中。“月是故乡明” IVY LIU小朋友的一曲《大海呀故乡》唤起了现场每位朋友对家乡浓浓的思念!IVY LIU小朋友嗓音优美,台风落落大方,曾获得2024“文化中国 水立方杯”达拉斯赛区儿童组银奖;琴声阵阵、缥缈红尘,由达拉斯古筝协会的姑娘们演奏的古筝合奏《渡红尘》尽显传统文化之美。来自STAR LIGHT STUDIO 九岁的ANNI ZHU表演了独舞《笛中花》,ANNI肢体动作优美、活泼灵动,将小女孩和她心爱的笛子嬉戏玩耍展现的淋漓尽致。张晨艺术学校的胡文雅和胡安雅姐妹演唱了一曲英文歌《BLANK SPACE》,姐妹两边唱边跳,配合非常默契。杨希云老师从事魔术表演多年,他的奇妙手法和幽默动作令现场观众掌声雷动、笑声不断。第一场表演在何三和老师的书法展示中完美结束。何三和老师现场为大家提笔书写了“月圆”“中秋快乐”等节日祝福。令人爱不释手。

第二场演出一开始由西子古筝艺术中心的小朋友演奏了欢快的《市集》;多次获大奖的张晨艺术学校的王琨麓、印体昊合唱了《星辰大海》,歌声高昂、正能量满满。来自刘丹舞蹈艺术学校的KAILIE POON带来了舞蹈《水中草》,动作柔美流畅;在这里也感谢刘丹老师对社区活动的大力支持!MIA和BELLA是一对好朋友,BELLA弹琴、MIA弹古筝,两位小朋友合作默契,携手演绎了悠扬的《大鱼》,令现场观众感受到大自然的澄澈和纯净;张晨艺术学校的成人歌手李力独唱了《左手指月》,她的高音清脆高亢、饱满空灵,让现场观众大饱耳福!卢卫平老师经常活跃在社区各大舞台,今天为大家拉了一曲《十五的月亮》,带来浓浓的祝福!西子古筝艺术中心的姐妹组合IZABELLA 和KAYLA表演了古筝合奏《呼唤》,姐妹俩心有灵犀,完美表现了曲目的魅力;兄弟组合KEVIN和KESON为大家演奏的是《伏羲神天响》,这首乐曲对指速有很高的要求,弦化无弦,浩然快哉!第二场演出在兄弟二人的古筝合奏中画上圆满句号。

第三场节目由来自张晨艺术学校的宣博涵开场,他曾获得水立方杯大赛达拉斯赛区儿童组金奖,“兰亭临帖,行书如行云流水”,宣博涵唱出了歌曲《兰亭序》的古典之美;西子古筝艺术中心的KESON,KEVIN,KEEGAN表演的古筝三重奏《男儿当自强》《刀剑如梦》,则是气势磅礴,充满了豪气与激情;师从张晨老师的杨锘暄、林威力合唱了《不该》,诠释了爱而不得的伤感,丝丝入扣;两位西子老师的学生MIA XIAO、骆雪茹的古筝合奏《虞美人》完美演绎了千古流传的感人画面;星霁舞蹈学校SUMMERLY YIN、SARAH SHI、JESSALYN WANG带来了舞蹈《敦煌》,她们如同从敦煌石窟的雕塑中重生的女子,展示了古典的美;第三场的主持人秦明霞老师多才多艺,不仅会跳舞唱歌,还精通书法绘画,她在古筝伴奏下挥毫泼墨,写下“花好月圆”!

美食文化节两天的活动共有500多人的参与,猜谜活动吸引了很多家庭,爸爸妈妈和孩子们一起猜谜;AYLUS、YAAMHA(亚裔青少年心理健康协会)、北德州中华文化联合会的Asian Portrait《亚裔百人图》、《文化传承、回响于根》等青少年非盈利组织等都参与了本次活动,展示了亚裔青少年的风采;美食摊位热闹非凡,纯手工制作的月饼更是倍受欢迎。周六共抽出6个100元和


2024年全国亚裔美国人、夏威夷原住民和太平洋岛民(AANHPI)团结峰会反思Reflection on the 2024 National AANHPI Unity Summit

By Jan Xie, President of the Asian Culture and Education Society USA (ACAESUSA)





我要向拜登总统为此次会议所写的信表示衷心的感谢,这封信赋予了此次会议极大的意义。我还要感谢Erika将这封信送到我们手中,感谢白宫AAPI工作人员Emily, Krystal and Kota 为我们提供在如此重要平台上发声的机会。







It was a profound honor for the Asian Culture and Education Society USA (ACAESUSA) to co-host the 2024 National AANHPI Unity Summit. This gathering provided a unique platform to address the collective experiences, challenges, and aspirations of the AANHPI communities. I was deeply moved by the powerful discussions, particularly the Youth Seminar, which ACAESUSA helped facilitate. Witnessing young leaders from diverse backgrounds passionately engage in conversations about their future left a lasting impression on me. Their energy, courage, and desire to contribute to meaningful change encapsulated the very essence of why we do this work. Pictures

A highlight of this year’s summit was the ACAESUSA art exhibition at Capitol Hill, showcasing artistic talent from around the world. This year’s theme, World of Love, brought together international art submissions. The exhibit not only celebrated cultural expression but also fostered cross-cultural understanding through the universal language of art. It was inspiring to see how art can serve as a bridge to connect and empower communities. The art pieces from the 2024 ACAESUSA International Art Exhibit & Contest will raise funds to support students with autism and mental health challenges. I invite all summit attendees to visit for more information on how to donate and participate in this impactful event.

The joy and camaraderie shared at the summit banquet were elevated by the ACAESUSA team’s performance of traditional songs. Their heartfelt singing brought a celebratory spirit to the evening, showcasing the beauty of cultural traditions and reinforcing the importance of joy and unity in our work. It was a touching moment that highlighted the deep connections between art, culture, and community.

I also feel incredibly fortunate to have had the opportunity to speak at the White House during this summit. It was a humbling experience, and I want to express my heartfelt thanks to those who made this possible. During my speech, I shared my wish to end anti-Asian hate, which has deeply affected our communities. It is my hope that through our collective efforts, we can build a society that stands against hate and discrimination in all its forms.

I would like to extend my sincere thanks to President Biden for his thoughtful letter to this conference, which added immense significance to the event. I am also grateful to Erika for sending this letter and to the AAPI White House staff (Emily , Krystal and Kota for giving us the opportunity to have a voice at such a prestigious platform.

The unity displayed at the Summit was not only inspiring but also served as a testament to the strength of our communities when we stand together. The themes of advocacy, civic engagement, and cross-cultural understanding resonated strongly, reminding me that, as leaders, we have the responsibility to continue paving the way for future generations.

While I am pleased with how the Summit unfolded, particularly with the impactful youth engagement and cultural exhibitions, there are always opportunities to grow. For future events, I suggest expanding the Youth Seminar to provide even more interactive workshops where young participants can collaborate on actionable plans they can take back to their communities. Creating additional opportunities for mentorship and cross-generational dialogue would also further enrich the experience.

I would also like to express my gratitude to Professor Chang for capturing the Summit’s essence through film. These recordings will serve as valuable resources for reflection and inspiration in the years to come.

As we look forward to the 2025 Summit, ACAESUSA is eager to continue our partnership and contribute to the ongoing mission of strengthening unity among AANHPI communities. We are fully committed to this shared vision and will work tirelessly to ensure that the next summit builds upon the successes of this year.

Thank you to the organizing committee, fellow co-hosts, and all participants for making this summit an unforgettable experience. Your contributions have left an indelible mark, and I look forward to continuing this journey together.

Warm regards,
Jan Xie
President, Asian Culture and Education Society USA (ACAESUSA)


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ACAES-GAHD Youth Chapter Powers Dragon Boat Team to Second Place!

On May 19th, the ACAES-GAHD Youth Chapter proved their dedication to the GAHD Dragon Boat Racing Team extended far beyond cheers at the White Rock Lake Race in Dallas.(The city of  Dallas hosted its first Asian Heritage Festival and Dragon Boat race over the weekend.)Their hard work played a crucial role in securing an impressive second-place finish.

Building a Dream Together: Pre-Race Collaboration

Months before the race, a blossoming collaboration saw the GAHD Chapter, led by President Guanyan Li, delve into the world of dragon boating. Not only did they learn the sport’s intricacies, but they also actively participated in developing the GAHD Dragon Boat Team’s training program. Their after-school hours were dedicated to researching, creating a detailed and scientifically sound training schedule in collaboration with the team’s coaches.

Rigorous Training: Dedication and Support

The training itself was demanding. The ACAES-GAHD Chapter joined the dragon boaters for grueling physical conditioning and technical drills. Their support went beyond sweat and exertion. They handled essential logistics, from preparing water and checking equipment to recording training data to optimize future sessions.

Learning by Experience: Honing Skills and Building Bonds

This wasn’t just observation for the youth team members. They actively participated in paddling practice, experiencing the challenges and thrills of the sport firsthand. As they honed their own paddling skills, they learned valuable strategies and techniques from the seasoned dragon boaters, forging a strong bond between the two groups.

Race Day: Enthusiasm and Teamwork Fuel Near Victory

Race day saw the ACAES-GAHD Chapter arrive early, their enthusiastic cheers providing a welcome morale boost to the dragon boat racers as they assisted with final equipment checks. The GAHD Dragon Boat Racing Team delivered an exceptional performance, narrowly missing first place by a mere 0.01 seconds.

Celebrating Perseverance and Teamwork: Recognizing Contributions

The near victory was a testament to the power of teamwork and perseverance. GAHD Dragon Boat Racing Team Captain Jin Li praised the youth team’s unwavering support and positive energy, acknowledging their vital role in the impressive race result.

A Transformative Experience

For the ACAES-GAHD Chapter, the experience was transformative. They gained valuable insights and skills, laying a strong foundation for their future endeavors. ACAES USA President Jan Xie stated, “Guanyan Li and the youth team had a great opportunity to grow and learn, with significant improvements. We hope they continue to serve the community.”

A Shining Example: Inspiring Young People

This successful collaboration between the GAHD Dragon Boat Racing Team and the ACAES-GAHD Chapter serves as a shining example for young people. It highlights the importance of teamwork, sportsmanship, and dedication, inspiring them to embrace sports and contribute to future achievements.

Community News


In a spirit of unity and cultural celebration, the Asian Culture And Education Society USA in Dallas, Texas recently marked the observance of both Black History Month and Lunar Chinese New Year with a series of heartwarming initiatives and festive events. The society’s endeavors aimed not only to honor the diverse cultural heritage of its members but also to spread joy and inclusivity within the community.

As part of their celebrations, the Asian Culture And Education Society USA extended a hand of kindness to the special education children at a local elementary school. Members of the society prepared and distributed red envelopes filled with a delightful assortment of treats including pizzas, toys, goodies, and snacks, along with candies symbolizing the joy and prosperity associated with the Lunar Chinese New Year. This gesture of goodwill brought smiles to the faces of the children and demonstrated the society’s commitment to fostering inclusivity and compassion.

The festivities culminated in an annual celebration party hosted by the Asian Culture And Education Society USA. The event served as a vibrant showcase of Asian culture and traditions, featuring a variety of performances and activities for the community to enjoy. Attendees were treated to mesmerizing displays of traditional music, dance, and theatrical performances, which highlighted the richness and diversity of Asian heritage. The atmosphere was filled with laughter, camaraderie, and a shared appreciation for cultural diversity.

Apart from the annual celebration party, the ACAESUSA’s Youth Council  special performances for the wider community, actively participating in the events by volunteering and showcasing their talents. These performances were a means to bridge cultural gaps and foster cross-cultural understanding. Through music, dance, and various artistic expressions, the society endeavored to involve and enlighten the community about the beauty and significance of Asian culture.

During these events, we’re deeply grateful for the help from Ni Hao, UCA, UCA-MA, Gendap, Dallas City Library, the Dallas Police Department, Cesar Chavez Learning Center and TC-2 Mr.Gipson’s class. We’re truly fortunate to have their support.

Several awards were presented during the event, including the Inspirational ACAESUSA Mentor Award to Gendap President Mrs. Beverly Hill, and Mr. Jay Ho. The AAPI Media Excellence Award was bestowed upon Hojun Choi and Tiffany Liou, while the Inspirational AAPI Leader Award went to Yosselin Muller and Youth Volunteer and Youth Leadership Awards were presented to Eric Wang, Jessica Wu, Amy Xu and Harris Xie.

The Asian Culture And Education Society USA’s celebration of Blank History Month and Lunar Chinese New Year exemplifies the power of community and cultural exchange. Through acts of kindness, festive gatherings, and vibrant performances, the society succeeded in spreading joy, fostering inclusivity, and celebrating the rich tapestry of Asian heritage. As the celebrations come to a close, the spirit of unity and cultural appreciation will continue to resonate within the community, leaving a lasting impact on all who participated.


ACAESUSA Mental Health Matters Day 


On November 12, the air was filled with the resonance of loud gongs and drums, a vibrant lion dance performance, and a stirring national anthem as the Asian Cultural and Educational Society USA (ACAESUSA) hosted “ACAESUSA Mental Health Day”. They extended sincere thanks to Mayor Bob Dubey of Richardson for proclaiming November 12, 2023, as ACAESUSA Mental Health Matters Day. Dignitaries and experts from the region gathered at the Dallas Chinese Community Center for an unforgettable commemoration of ACAESUSA Mental Health Matters Day.

The celebratory occasion unfolded in two parts. A heartfelt appreciation goes out to the ACAESUSA Youth Council, UCA DFW Youth Council, and USSDFA – DFW Youth Council for their invaluable support in making this event a success. Additionally, they distributed yellow whistles before, during, and after the event.

The first part focused on local health matters and was hosted by ACAESUSA, with support from Richardson City and Dallas City, alongside several supporting organizations such as UCA, UCA-DFW team, USSDFA, USSDFA-DFW, GAHD, and DCAA. Professionals including Kimberly Richards, Hao Zheng, and Ally Wang provided insights into addressing current mental health challenges affecting children and parents.

The second part centered on national health matters and was hosted by ACAESUSA in partnership with UCA WAVES. Lily Chen, director of the United Chinese Americans UCA WAVES Youth Mental Health Collaborative, delivered a powerful Big Idea Talk, urging the breaking of silences surrounding mental illness and suicide within the Asian American community. The projects were made possible through the support of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

The event’s success was facilitated by the support of Texas State Rep. Matt Shaheen from District 66, Texas State Rep. Carl O. Sherman, Sr. from District 109, Cindy Tsai (Interim President of Committee of 100), Haipei Shue (President of UCA), Wang Huang (Board Chair of UCA), Jinli (President of GAHD), and Lizhi Wang (President of USSDFA).

Guiding the event were the Youth Council presidents from Highland Park High School: Jessica Wu, Vice President Amy Xu, and Eric Wang from Baylor University, who served as wonderful emcees. Molly Li led the youth group in singing “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

Mrs. Jan Xie, President of the Asian Cultural and Educational Society, expressed gratitude, saying, “Thank you all for your support and love for each other. A few weeks ago, a Chinese American friend of mine, Denial, passed away suddenly and alone in his home, and a few years ago his son, who was an Ivy League graduate student, died from suicide. In order to avoid a repeat of this tragedy, let’s all join hands and acknowledge the importance of mental health matters.”



11月12日,美国亚洲文化教育联盟(ACAESUSA)在达拉斯华人活动中心举办了庆祝“美国亚洲文化教育协会心理健康日”活动。活动中,锣鼓喧天、舞狮表演热闹非凡,国歌声激昂。当Richardson Bob市长宣布2023年11月12日为“亚洲文化和教育联盟ACAESUSA心理健康日”时,现场的达福地区的心理健康专家和达拉斯华人都非常高兴,共同庆祝这个难忘的日子。

庆祝活动分为两个部分,感谢ACAESUSA、UCADFW和USSDFA-DFW青少年理事会对活动的支持。他们在活动期间和前后分发了黄哨子。第一部分是由亚洲文化和教育联盟ACAESUSA主办,旨在探讨当地心理健康问题的解决方法。活动得到了理察德市、达拉斯市、UCA、UCA-DFW团队、USSDFA、USSDFA-DFW、GAHD和DCAA等支持机构的共同努力,共同关注亚裔的心理健康问题。市长以及Kimberly Richards、Hao Zheng和Ally Wang等专业人士讲解了孩子和家长如何保持健康的心理状态。

第二部分集中讨论了全美范围内的心理健康问题,亚洲文化和教育联盟ACAESUSA与美国华人联盟UCA WAVES合作。UCA WAVES青少年心理健康合作组织的负责人陈健发表了一场极具震撼力的Big Idea Talk,打破了亚裔美国人社区对精神疾病和自杀的沉默。陈健以自己的亲身经历为例,鼓励其他人加入WAVES计划(健康、倡导、声音、教育、支持),拯救年轻人的生命。这些讲座类似于TED演讲,以医疗保健提供者合作推进健康公平为主题,得到了罗伯特-伍德-约翰逊基金会(Robert Wood Johnson Foundation)在2016-2023年期间的支持(。

在此次活动中,特别感谢德克萨斯州66区众议员Matt Shaheen、德克萨斯州109区众议员Carl O. Sherman,以及百人会临时主席兼执行董事Cindy Tsai、美国华人联盟主席薛海培、美国华人联盟理事长王华、和全美山东同乡总会会长王立智的支持。

  孩子们在温暖的气氛中学到了很多关于保持心理健康的新知识。感谢来自高地公园高中的学生- UCADFW和ACAESUSA, USSDFA-DFW青年理事会为我们主持了这场精彩的活动。他们是Jessica Wu、Amy Xu和来自贝勒大学的Eric Wang。李语熹领着孩子们一起演唱了《星条旗》。河南同乡会会长李瑾带领着舞狮队伍(狮子队义工:郭晓斌、赵亚辉、曹倍源、宋小柱),程振刚给孩子们准备的队服和奖章,戴莉萍和王静雅给孩子们的三明治,都为参加这个沉重话题的孩子们带来了快乐。邓卫平老师的赠画和张长弓老师的字为我们的活动增添了浓厚的中华文化氛围。也感谢徐瑞,谢慧,常少容,杨笛,毕春燕,秋媚,江红红,尹伊,刘宝莉,小新,李琳,胡毓瑾,孔令华,邵创, 延东旭, 和蔡爽等很早来做义工并参加义卖活动。



2023 National AANHPI Unity Summit

The Asian American Unity Coalition (AAUC) successfully hosted the 2023 National AANHPI Unity Summit on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. from September 25-27. Over 100 AANHPI community leaders gathered to discuss key issues.

During the summit, attendees advocated for five important bills, covering topics such as discrimination, civil rights, hate crime prevention, immigration, and Asian American history education. 

Video: 2023 National AANHPI Unity Summit – 5 bills

These bills are:

  • Teach Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander History Act (H.R. 3434 and S. 1702)
  • Korematsu-Takai Civil Liberties Protection Act (S. 129)
  • Afghan Adjustment Act (H.R. 4627 and S. 2327)
  • Preemption of Real Property Discrimination Act (H.R. 3697)
  • Eliminating Backlogs Act (H.R. 1535)

  Organizations like Asian Culture And Education Society USA (ACAESUSA), Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO), United Chinese American (UCA), The Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs Association (APAPA), New Portland Foundation, My Sister House, Polynesian Association of Alaska and South Asian Women’s Network…, those are members of AAUC, joined hands for the summit. The event also featured prominent guests, including Senator Richard Blumenthal and several Representatives who discussed legislative priorities, including Connecticut’s Senior Senator Richard Blumenthal, Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (Illinois), Rep. Grace Meng (New York), Rep. Judy Chu (California), and Rep. Shri Thanedar (Michigan).

Additionally, the summit marked the launch of the online AAPI Community Hub Project, creating the largest network of AAPI nonprofit organizations, totaling approximately 15,000 members.

Several individuals received awards for their contributions, including:

  • US Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi, honored with the Dilip Singh Saund Political Leadership Award.
  • US Rep. Grace Meng, recipient of the Norman Mineta Public Service Award.
  • Dr. Romesh Japra, celebrated with the Community Service Award.
  • Mr. C. C. Yin, acknowledged as Philanthropist of the Year.
  • Ms. Tammalivis Salanoa, presented with the President’s Young Person Award.
  • Ms. Jessica Wu, recipient of the President’s Youth Awards.

From Left to Right: Lusisana Hansen (Alaska), Jack Hanna (Oregon), Angela Anand (Virginia), Mary Jin (California), Dr. Romesh Japra (California), Norman Mineta, Rep. Grace Meng (New York), Tammalivis Salanoa (Alaska), Dr. S.K. Lo (Minnesota), Dr. Thomas Abraham (Connecticut), Yen Marshall (California), and Jan Xie (Texas).

The speakers also include David Inoue, Cindy Tsai, Grace Yu, Suhag Shukla and Edgar Chen… who shared their insights and expertise. The summit concluded with a congressional reception featuring discussions on community engagement in Congress. 

On September 27, a delegation of 20 community leaders attended a White House Briefing to address the issues discussed during their congressional visit. These leaders are: SK Lo, Yen Marshall, Jack Hanna, Jacob Harrer, Marsha Golangco, Angela Anand, Lucy Hansen, Grace Yu, Dani Canaleta, Elijah Matamoro, Romesh Japra, Tammalivis Salanoa, Helen Hsueh, Regina Burnley, Shaline DeGuzman, Lalita Kaul, Indrani Davaluri, Yasmine Padamesee, Shobhana Verma and Jan Xie.

It was a highly successful summit, thanks to the efforts of AAUC President Dr. SK Lo and her team. They will continue to create a community platform for all AAPI organizations and leaders to interact and collaborate on vital community issues.

2023 年全国 AANHPI 团结峰会
美国亚裔联盟(AAUC)于9月25日至27日在华盛顿特区国会山成功举办了2023年全国亚裔美国人和华裔美国人团结峰会。100 多名亚裔美国人、华裔美国人和印度裔美国人社区领袖齐聚一堂,讨论关键问题。
视频: 2023 年全国亚裔美国人和华裔美国人团结峰会 – 5 项议案

《教授亚裔美国人、夏威夷原住民和太平洋岛民历史法案》(H.R. 3434 和 S. 1702)
《韩国松-高井公民自由保护法》(Korematsu-Takai Civil Liberties Protection Act)(S. 129
《阿富汗调整法》(H.R. 4627 和 S. 2327)
《不动产歧视豁免法》(H.R. 3697)
《消除积压法案》(H.R. 1535)

美国亚洲文化与教育协会(ACAESUSA)、印度裔全球组织(GOPIO)、美国华人联盟(UCA)、美国亚太裔公共事务协会(APAPA)、My Sister House, New Portland Foundation, 阿拉斯加波利尼西亚人协会(Polynesian Association of Alaska)和南亚妇女联盟(South Asian Women’s Network)……等全美亚裔大会成员组织共同参与了此次峰会。参议员理查德-布卢门撒尔(Richard Blumenthal)和几位众议员也出席了此次活动,他们讨论了立法优先事项,其中包括康涅狄格州资深参议员理查德-布卢门撒尔(Richard Blumenthal)、众议员拉贾-克里希纳莫尔西(Raja Krishnamoorthi)(伊利诺伊州)、众议员孟昭文(Grace Meng)(纽约州)、众议员趙美心(Judy Chu)(加利福尼亚州)和众议员施里-塔内达尔(Shri Thanedar)(密歇根州)。

此外,峰会还标志着在线亚太裔社区枢纽项目的启动,该项目创建了最大的亚太裔非营利组织网络,共有约 15,000 名成员。


美国众议院议员 Raja Krishnamoorthi 荣获 “迪利普-辛格-桑德政治领袖奖”。
美国众议院议员孟昭文(Grace Meng),诺曼-米内塔公共服务奖(Norman Mineta Public Service Award)获得者。
荣获社区服务奖的 Romesh Japra 博士。
年度慈善家 C. C. Yin 先生。
Tammalivis Salanoa 女士,荣获President’s Young Person Award奖。
获得President’s Youth Awards.的 Jessica Wu 女士。

From Left to Right: Lusisana Hansen (Alaska), Jack Hanna (Oregon), Angela Anand (Virginia), Mary Jin (California), Dr. Romesh Japra (California), Norman Mineta, Rep. Grace Meng (New York), Tammalivis Salanoa (Alaska), Dr. S.K. Lo (Minnesota), Dr. Thomas Abraham (Connecticut), Yen Marshall (California), and Jan Xie (Texas).

The speakers also include David Inoue, Cindy Tsai, Grace Wang, Suhag Shukla and Edgar Chen… 峰会最后举行了国会招待会,讨论了社区参与国会事务的问题。

9 月 27 日,由 20 位社区领袖组成的代表团出席了白宫简报会,讨论了他们在国会访问期间讨论的问题。这些领导人是 他们是:SK Lo、Yen Marshall、Jack Hanna、Jacob Harrer、Marsha Golangco、Angela Anand、Lucy Hansen、Grace Yu、Dani Canaleta、Elijah Matamoro、Romesh Japra、Tammalivis Salanoa、Helen Hsueh、Regina Burnley、Shaline DeGuzman、Lalita Kaul、Indrani Davaluri、Yasmine Padamesee , Shobhana Verma and Jan Xie.

这次峰会非常成功,这要归功于美国亚裔联盟SK Lo博士及其团队的努力。他们将继续为所有亚太裔组织和领袖创建一个社区平台,就重要的社区问题进行互动和合作。


The 2023 Mid-Autumn Festival – ACAESUSA


The Mid-Autumn Festival, a timeless tradition dating back thousands of years across Asian countries and China, coincides with the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month, typically occurring in September. It serves as a powerful magnet, drawing Chinese families together under the mesmerizing moonlight. Among the festival’s many legends, the tale of Chang’e stands out, with her journey to the moon, accompanied by a white rabbit and a laurel tree.

The Asian Cultural and Education Society USA (ACAESUSA) dedicated volunteers preserve and celebrate this cherished tradition. They extend their love to Chinese Americans and students, enabling them to partake in the Mid-Autumn Festival, a significant event in the lunar calendar. This festival, with centuries of history, has evolved into a contemporary symbol of familial unity, marked by mooncake exchanges and collective moon-gazing, symbolizing happiness and prosperity.

The highlight of the holiday season is the mooncake, a round pastry filled with delightful toppings that embodies the essence of reuniting with loved ones, sharing and creating precious memories. Our dedicated volunteers and enthusiastic youth committee members purchase mooncakes, delicious food and beverages to distribute to families and students in need, fostering a sense of community and solidarity among the children.

We appreciate our youth volunteers for helping with the celebration: Ethan Li, Howard Li, Grace Wang, Eric Wang, Joseph Wang, Jessica Wu, Amy Xu, Andy Xu,Jake Ho, Jayson Ho and Her Man Cheung. “the Asian Cultural and Education Society USA extends warm wishes to your family. May your home be filled with mooncakes, and may your reunion be filled with happiness and tranquility. In this celebration that transcends generations and continents, we find unity, and through shared traditions, we discover the essence of community.” By the President of ACAESUSA Jan Xie. 


我们感谢为庆祝活动提供帮助的青年志愿者: Ethan Li、Howard Li、Grace Wang、Eric Wang、Joseph Wang、Jessica Wu、Amy Xu、Andy Xu、Jake Ho、Jayson Ho 和 Her Man Cheung。ACAESUSA 会长 Jan Xie说”美国亚洲文化教育协会向您和家人致以温馨的祝福。愿您家中月饼飘香,愿您团圆幸福安宁。在这个跨世纪的庆典中,我们团结起来不忘传统,为社区服务而努力!”


ACAESUSA team attends The 2023 AANHPI UNITY SUMMIT美国亚洲文化和教育协会参加在国会山举办的团结峰会

The 2023 AANHPI UNITY SUMMIT was successfully held in Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States, from September 25 to 27, 2023. This conference was organized by the Asian American Unity Coalition (AAUC) on Capitol Hill. Mrs. Jan Xie, President of the Asian Cultural and Educational Society USA (ACAESUSA) and Secretary of AAUC, led ACAESUSA team to attend this conference. 

 Several distinguished individuals received well-deserved recognition for their outstanding contributions:

  US Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi was honored with the Dilip Singh Saund Political Leadership Award.

  US Rep. Grace Meng received the Norman Mineta Public Service Award. 

  Dr. Romesh Japra was celebrated with the Community Service Award. 

  Mr. C. C. Yin was acknowledged as Philanthropist of the Year.

  Ms. Tammalivis Salanoa presented with the President’s Award for Young Asian Pacific Island American.

  Ms. Jessica Wu from Highland Park High School received the President’s Special Award for Youth.

  The hard work of the organizing team, led by Dr.Lo, President of the Asian American Unity Coalition, was instrumental in the success of the conference. The event garnered significant support from various dignitaries, including Senator Richard Blumenthal from Connecticut, Congresswoman Grace Meng from New York, Congresswoman Judy Chu from California, Congressman Sri Tanada from Michigan, and numerous House and Senate staffers who attended the Capitol Hill reception.

  A small delegation from the conference attended a White House briefing in the Dwight D. Eisenhower Executive Office Building. During the briefing, they established connections with senior administration officials and explored opportunities for future collaborations, demonstrating the government’s concern for Asian and Pacific Islander communities. Jan Xie emphasized the contributions of Chinese Americans in the United States. Chinese Americans are not spies in the U.S., nor are they the COVID19 Virus; Chinese Americans work hard in the U.S. and contribute to the U.S., not come to get U.S. benefit without working for it.

2023年9月25日至27日,2023 AANHPI UNITY SUMMIT亚裔和太平洋岛裔美国人团结峰会在美国首都华盛顿特区顺利举行。这次会议由亚裔美国统一联盟(AAUC)在国会山庄举办。美国亚洲文化和教育协会(ACAESUSA)会长兼亚裔美国统一联盟秘书长解健带队参加了这次会议.

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   在会上几位杰出人士因其做出的杰出贡献而获得了表彰: 美国众议院议员 Raja Krishnamoorthi 荣获 Dilip Singh Saund 政治领袖奖。美国众议员孟昭文 Grace Meng 荣获诺曼-米内塔公共服务奖。Romesh Japra 博士荣获社区服务奖。C.C. Yin 先生荣获年度慈善家奖。Tammalivis Salanoa 女士荣获总统青年奖和来自Highland park 高中的Jessica Wu 获得青少年特别总统奖。

   感谢亚裔美国统一联盟的会长钟秀昆女士带领的组织者团队辛勤的努力。这次会议引来了众多众要的现场支持。包括康涅狄格州参议员理查德-布卢门撒尔,纽约国会议员孟昭文 Grace Meng, 加州国会议员赵美心Judy Chu,  密西根国会议员斯里-塔纳达,以及来访的众议院和参议院工作人员也出席了国会山招待会。


  亚洲文化和教育协会参加这次国会山团结峰会的还有来自达拉斯大学的邵创,以及程振刚,熙诚,Shiv, Sofia, Shivalika and Shivya。在大会上参与并且走访了参议员和议员办公室。感谢华盛顿的朋友们的热心帮助,包括山东同乡会的孙强先生,不辞辛劳接送的孙远帆女士和美国华人联合会主席薛海培先生的帮助。加入到美国亚洲文化和教育协会的义工队伍中,可以联系[email protected]


  ACAESUSA participates in Hispanic Heritage Month activities 

On September 16, 2023, ACAESUSA participated in Denton, Texas’s Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration at the Martin Luther King Jr. Recreation Center. Volunteers distributed gifts, including yellow whistles, handmade lantern materials, notebooks, candies, and toys. A set of Chinese history books was also donated. Dr. Rudy shared a compelling story about his advocacy for bilingual education for immigrant minorities as a Latino representative.

Hispanic Heritage Month, originally Hispanic Heritage Week in 1968 and later expanded by President Ronald Reagan in 1988, commemorates the rich history, resistance, and triumphs of Hispanics and Latinos. The event celebrated this history through stories, music, and art, honoring their contributions.

ACAESUSA President Jan Xie expressed gratitude to Denton City and Center Director Muller Yosselin for promoting cultural awareness, traditional culture, and youth education while serving the local community.

The event thanked Mayor Gerard Hudspeth and Brian Beck, Brandon McGee, Center Director Muller Yosselin for their support, as well as the Committee of 100 and the Yellow Whistle Project for donating yellow whistles to combat hate against Asians. ACAESUSA’s Mental Health Program, in partnership with UCA-WAVE, addresses mental health issues among young people and Asians. They invite participation in their November event: Event Sign-up.

  ACAESUSA participates in Hispanic Heritage Month activities  –


在中秋佳节来临之际,2023 年 9 月 16 日,周六上午在德克萨斯州丹顿的马丁-路德-金休闲中心,亚洲文化和教育协会ACAESUSA 参加了西班牙裔传统月的庆祝活动 + La Vida Denton 2023.


  Denton 市长 Gerard Hudspeth和副市长Brian Beck,市议员Brandon McGee, 以及中心负责人Muller Yosselin 非裔代表和拉丁裔代表Rudy博士都对我们参与这次活动表示了诚挚的感谢。表扬我们对拉丁裔和非裔的大力支持。Dr. Rudy 讲述了他作为拉丁裔代表为少数移民争取双语教育而努力的感人故事。

  西班牙裔传统月始于 1968 年的 “西班牙裔传统周”,1988 年罗纳德-里根总统正式承认了 “黑人历史月”。之所以选择 9 月 15 日至 10 月 15 日为庆祝月,是因为9月15日是拉丁美洲国家哥斯达黎加、萨尔瓦多、危地马拉、洪都拉斯和尼加拉瓜的独立纪念日。墨西哥和智利分别在 9 月 16 日和 9 月 18 日庆祝独立日,哥伦布日或拉萨日在 10 月 12 日,正好在 30 天期间。 西班牙裔和拉美裔拥有丰富的历史。这段历史充满了反抗、牺牲和胜利。这次活动通过故事、音乐和艺术来纪念这段历史。人们将铭记他们的生活,颂扬他们的贡献。

  这次活动由解健,毕春燕,常少容和Lisa贾现场协调,陈民教授,Lin Li, 荣美和缪教授热心的帮着学生们做后勤。感谢这次现场参与的义工Richard Xie, Owen Xie, Irva Miao,  Charles Mi, Alysa Mi, Chenrui Mi以及提前帮忙准备材料的Andy Xu, Amy Xu,Samuel Li, Jessica Wu. Ravi Wang and LeLe和礼物的赞助者Samuel Li。也感谢华人组织百人会快递过来的黄口哨。 

  亚洲文化和教育协会ACAESUSA会长解健说“这次活动拓展了市民的文化视野, 宣传了中国的传统文化教育,提醒了社区心理健康的重要性。更好地融入和服务了当地社区。”想加入亚洲文化和教育协会的义工团队请联系[email protected]。作者:常少容,图片:解健