
The Moon Shines Brighter During Mid-Autumn, Gathering Together in Joy at 99 Ranch Market 月到中秋分外明、齐聚百佳喜盈盈


On September 14th and 15th, in celebration of the upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival, the Mid-Autumn Food and Cultural Festival, hosted by the Tianli Cultural Foundation, took place at 99 Ranch Market with great festivity! The event featured activities such as riddles, raffles, food tastings, charity sales, and performances. The performances were scheduled for three sessions at 1:30 PM, 3:30 PM, and 5:30 PM, each packed with excitement and surprises!

Founded in 2017, the Tianli Cultural Foundation has been dedicated to serving the community and promoting Chinese culture. Its annual Mid-Autumn Food and Cultural Festival and Spring Festival Gala bring joy to the local Chinese community in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

This year’s festival was co-organized by 99 Ranch MarketZhang Chen Art SchoolXizi Guzheng Arts Center, and the Dallas Guzheng Association. 99 Ranch Market not only provided the venue but also offered generous cash cards worth $10, $100, $200, and $500.

The first performance was hosted by Tianle Tong, founder of the Tianli Cultural Foundation, along with Songmei. Tianle introduced the foundation and thanked the co-organizers for their support. She praised every participant and volunteer, whose collective efforts made the festival truly captivating. She then invited teachers Zhang Chen and Xizi to the stage to offer their Mid-Autumn blessings. Teacher Zhang wished everyone happiness and togetherness, while Teacher Xizi wished peace and joy for all.

The first performance was by the MaiZi Dance Troupe, founded in 2022. Their dance, Tang Yin, transported the audience to a beautiful scene reminiscent of ancient China. Little Ivy Liu then brought the song “My Homeland, the Sea,” evoking feelings of nostalgia for the homeland. With a beautiful voice and graceful stage presence, Ivy Liu, a silver medalist in the children’s group of the 2024 “Cultural China Water Cube Cup,” captivated the audience. Next, the Dallas Guzheng Association performed the ensemble “Crossing the Red Dust,” showcasing the beauty of traditional culture. Nine-year-old Anni Zhu from Star Light Studio performed a solo dance, “Flower in the Flute,” portraying a playful girl with her beloved flute. Sisters Wenya Hu and Anya Hu from Zhang Chen Art School sang “Blank Space,” delivering a harmonious and lively performance. Veteran magician Xiyun Yang wowed the audience with his incredible tricks and humor, earning thunderous applause. The first session concluded with a live calligraphy demonstration by teacher He Sanhe, who wrote festival blessings like “Full Moon” and “Happy Mid-Autumn,” much to the delight of the crowd.

The second session kicked off with a lively performance of “Marketplace” by the young students of Xizi Guzheng Arts Center. Multiple award-winners Kunlu Wang and Yintiao Yin from Zhang Chen Art School followed with their duet, “Stars and the Sea,” filling the room with positive energy. Kailie Poon from Liu Dan Dance Arts School performed the graceful dance, “Grass in the Water.” Special thanks were extended to Teacher Liu Dan for her support of community events. Friends Mia and Bella teamed up on piano and guzheng to perform the serene piece, “Big Fish,” evoking the purity of nature. Soloist Li Li from Zhang Chen Art School delivered an outstanding performance of “Left Hand Points to the Moon,” her soaring vocals captivating the audience. Regular community performer Weiping Lu brought blessings with his rendition of “The Moon on the Fifteenth.” Finally, sisters Izabella and Kayla from Xizi Guzheng Arts Center performed “The Call,” demonstrating their harmonious connection. The second session closed with the energetic guzheng duet “Fuxi Divine Sky Echo” by brothers Kevin and Keson, showcasing their incredible speed and skill.

The third session began with Bohan Xuan from Zhang Chen Art School, who won the gold medal in the children’s group of the Water Cube Cup in Dallas. He performed “Orchid Pavilion,” a song that captures the beauty of classical Chinese culture. The guzheng trio Keson, Kevin, and Keegan performed the powerful pieces “A Man Should Be Strong” and “Dreams of Sword and Saber,” filling the room with heroic spirit. Students Nuo Xuan Yang and Weili Lin, under the guidance of Teacher Zhang Chen, performed the duet “Shouldn’t Have,” beautifully conveying the sorrow of unrequited love. Students Mia Xiao and Xueru Luo from Xizi Guzheng Arts Center followed with the moving guzheng duet, “Yu Meiren,” presenting a timeless narrative. Summerly YinSarah Shi, and Jessalyn Wang from Xingji Dance Schoolperformed the enchanting dance “Dunhuang,” embodying the rebirth of ancient sculptures from the Dunhuang Caves. The third session host, Mingxia Qin, demonstrated her talents in singing, dancing, calligraphy, and painting. Accompanied by guzheng, she painted and wrote the phrase “Blossoms and Full Moon,” bringing the festival to a perfect close.

Over 500 people attended the two-day Mid-Autumn Food and Cultural Festival. The riddle activity attracted many families, with parents and children working together. Youth organizations like AYLUSYAAMHA, and the Asian Portrait Project participated, showcasing the talents of Asian youth. The food stalls were bustling, with handmade mooncakes being particularly popular. Saturday’s raffle awarded six $100 and two $200 cash cards, while Sunday’s prizes included one $500 card and ten $10 cards, all redeemable at 99 Ranch Market.

The 2024 Mid-Autumn Food and Cultural Festival, hosted by the Tianli Cultural Foundation and co-organized by 99 Ranch MarketZhang Chen Art SchoolXizi Guzheng Arts Center, and the Dallas Guzheng Association, concluded successfully. Thanks to all participants and volunteers! Wishing everyone a happy and prosperous Mid-Autumn Festival!






第一个节目来自于2022年成立的麦子舞团,舞蹈《唐印》将大家带回到“罗袖动香香不已、红蕖袅袅秋烟里”的唯美情境之中。“月是故乡明” IVY LIU小朋友的一曲《大海呀故乡》唤起了现场每位朋友对家乡浓浓的思念!IVY LIU小朋友嗓音优美,台风落落大方,曾获得2024“文化中国 水立方杯”达拉斯赛区儿童组银奖;琴声阵阵、缥缈红尘,由达拉斯古筝协会的姑娘们演奏的古筝合奏《渡红尘》尽显传统文化之美。来自STAR LIGHT STUDIO 九岁的ANNI ZHU表演了独舞《笛中花》,ANNI肢体动作优美、活泼灵动,将小女孩和她心爱的笛子嬉戏玩耍展现的淋漓尽致。张晨艺术学校的胡文雅和胡安雅姐妹演唱了一曲英文歌《BLANK SPACE》,姐妹两边唱边跳,配合非常默契。杨希云老师从事魔术表演多年,他的奇妙手法和幽默动作令现场观众掌声雷动、笑声不断。第一场表演在何三和老师的书法展示中完美结束。何三和老师现场为大家提笔书写了“月圆”“中秋快乐”等节日祝福。令人爱不释手。

第二场演出一开始由西子古筝艺术中心的小朋友演奏了欢快的《市集》;多次获大奖的张晨艺术学校的王琨麓、印体昊合唱了《星辰大海》,歌声高昂、正能量满满。来自刘丹舞蹈艺术学校的KAILIE POON带来了舞蹈《水中草》,动作柔美流畅;在这里也感谢刘丹老师对社区活动的大力支持!MIA和BELLA是一对好朋友,BELLA弹琴、MIA弹古筝,两位小朋友合作默契,携手演绎了悠扬的《大鱼》,令现场观众感受到大自然的澄澈和纯净;张晨艺术学校的成人歌手李力独唱了《左手指月》,她的高音清脆高亢、饱满空灵,让现场观众大饱耳福!卢卫平老师经常活跃在社区各大舞台,今天为大家拉了一曲《十五的月亮》,带来浓浓的祝福!西子古筝艺术中心的姐妹组合IZABELLA 和KAYLA表演了古筝合奏《呼唤》,姐妹俩心有灵犀,完美表现了曲目的魅力;兄弟组合KEVIN和KESON为大家演奏的是《伏羲神天响》,这首乐曲对指速有很高的要求,弦化无弦,浩然快哉!第二场演出在兄弟二人的古筝合奏中画上圆满句号。

第三场节目由来自张晨艺术学校的宣博涵开场,他曾获得水立方杯大赛达拉斯赛区儿童组金奖,“兰亭临帖,行书如行云流水”,宣博涵唱出了歌曲《兰亭序》的古典之美;西子古筝艺术中心的KESON,KEVIN,KEEGAN表演的古筝三重奏《男儿当自强》《刀剑如梦》,则是气势磅礴,充满了豪气与激情;师从张晨老师的杨锘暄、林威力合唱了《不该》,诠释了爱而不得的伤感,丝丝入扣;两位西子老师的学生MIA XIAO、骆雪茹的古筝合奏《虞美人》完美演绎了千古流传的感人画面;星霁舞蹈学校SUMMERLY YIN、SARAH SHI、JESSALYN WANG带来了舞蹈《敦煌》,她们如同从敦煌石窟的雕塑中重生的女子,展示了古典的美;第三场的主持人秦明霞老师多才多艺,不仅会跳舞唱歌,还精通书法绘画,她在古筝伴奏下挥毫泼墨,写下“花好月圆”!

美食文化节两天的活动共有500多人的参与,猜谜活动吸引了很多家庭,爸爸妈妈和孩子们一起猜谜;AYLUS、YAAMHA(亚裔青少年心理健康协会)、北德州中华文化联合会的Asian Portrait《亚裔百人图》、《文化传承、回响于根》等青少年非盈利组织等都参与了本次活动,展示了亚裔青少年的风采;美食摊位热闹非凡,纯手工制作的月饼更是倍受欢迎。周六共抽出6个100元和

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