
2024年全国亚裔美国人、夏威夷原住民和太平洋岛民(AANHPI)团结峰会反思Reflection on the 2024 National AANHPI Unity Summit

By Jan Xie, President of the Asian Culture and Education Society USA (ACAESUSA)





我要向拜登总统为此次会议所写的信表示衷心的感谢,这封信赋予了此次会议极大的意义。我还要感谢Erika将这封信送到我们手中,感谢白宫AAPI工作人员Emily, Krystal and Kota 为我们提供在如此重要平台上发声的机会。







It was a profound honor for the Asian Culture and Education Society USA (ACAESUSA) to co-host the 2024 National AANHPI Unity Summit. This gathering provided a unique platform to address the collective experiences, challenges, and aspirations of the AANHPI communities. I was deeply moved by the powerful discussions, particularly the Youth Seminar, which ACAESUSA helped facilitate. Witnessing young leaders from diverse backgrounds passionately engage in conversations about their future left a lasting impression on me. Their energy, courage, and desire to contribute to meaningful change encapsulated the very essence of why we do this work. Pictures

A highlight of this year’s summit was the ACAESUSA art exhibition at Capitol Hill, showcasing artistic talent from around the world. This year’s theme, World of Love, brought together international art submissions. The exhibit not only celebrated cultural expression but also fostered cross-cultural understanding through the universal language of art. It was inspiring to see how art can serve as a bridge to connect and empower communities. The art pieces from the 2024 ACAESUSA International Art Exhibit & Contest will raise funds to support students with autism and mental health challenges. I invite all summit attendees to visit for more information on how to donate and participate in this impactful event.

The joy and camaraderie shared at the summit banquet were elevated by the ACAESUSA team’s performance of traditional songs. Their heartfelt singing brought a celebratory spirit to the evening, showcasing the beauty of cultural traditions and reinforcing the importance of joy and unity in our work. It was a touching moment that highlighted the deep connections between art, culture, and community.

I also feel incredibly fortunate to have had the opportunity to speak at the White House during this summit. It was a humbling experience, and I want to express my heartfelt thanks to those who made this possible. During my speech, I shared my wish to end anti-Asian hate, which has deeply affected our communities. It is my hope that through our collective efforts, we can build a society that stands against hate and discrimination in all its forms.

I would like to extend my sincere thanks to President Biden for his thoughtful letter to this conference, which added immense significance to the event. I am also grateful to Erika for sending this letter and to the AAPI White House staff (Emily , Krystal and Kota for giving us the opportunity to have a voice at such a prestigious platform.

The unity displayed at the Summit was not only inspiring but also served as a testament to the strength of our communities when we stand together. The themes of advocacy, civic engagement, and cross-cultural understanding resonated strongly, reminding me that, as leaders, we have the responsibility to continue paving the way for future generations.

While I am pleased with how the Summit unfolded, particularly with the impactful youth engagement and cultural exhibitions, there are always opportunities to grow. For future events, I suggest expanding the Youth Seminar to provide even more interactive workshops where young participants can collaborate on actionable plans they can take back to their communities. Creating additional opportunities for mentorship and cross-generational dialogue would also further enrich the experience.

I would also like to express my gratitude to Professor Chang for capturing the Summit’s essence through film. These recordings will serve as valuable resources for reflection and inspiration in the years to come.

As we look forward to the 2025 Summit, ACAESUSA is eager to continue our partnership and contribute to the ongoing mission of strengthening unity among AANHPI communities. We are fully committed to this shared vision and will work tirelessly to ensure that the next summit builds upon the successes of this year.

Thank you to the organizing committee, fellow co-hosts, and all participants for making this summit an unforgettable experience. Your contributions have left an indelible mark, and I look forward to continuing this journey together.

Warm regards,
Jan Xie
President, Asian Culture and Education Society USA (ACAESUSA)

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