

2022年6月25日,《谁是歌王》大赛决赛在SPACE KTV圆满结束。在这次大赛决赛中,林江南获得了第一名。李力获得了第二名,Teddy Tian以一首《丸之内虐待狂》获得了第三名和最受观众喜爱奖。更多图片请点这里

张晨艺术学校的创始人张晨老师是这次比赛的主要评委。张晨艺术学校是培养未来歌手的摇篮,在过去的几年里取得了优异的成绩,得到了达福地区人们的支持和认可,同时推荐很多优秀的选手参加各种国际歌唱大赛及中美文化交流。另外这次评委还有我们刘金红老师,及张晨艺术学校形象设计、美妆马睿老师和摄影解健老师。SPACE KTV这次比赛的组织者Kasey和Sean感谢所有来宾的大力支持,使得这次比赛顺利进行。


1. 李力

2. Teddy Tian 

3. 杨谋

4. Scott Li

5. Amber

6. 李根

7. Grace Wang

8. Dunchuan Wu

9. 二檀

10. 林江南


On 06/25, the finals for the Song King Competition were successfully held at SPACE KTV. Among them, JiangNan Lin won first place.The second and third place winners were Lily and Teddy Tian respectively.

Mr. Zhang Chen, the founder of Zhang Chen Art School, was the main judge of this competition. Zhang Chen Art School is a cradle for future singers and has achieved excellent results in the past few years, gaining support and sponsorship from people in the DFW area. The owner of SPACE Kasey & Sean were the organizers of the competition and thank all the guests for their great support to make this competition a success.