On June 18, 2022, the Asian Cultural and Education Society USA was invited to participate in the June Independence Day Parade in Denton, which began at the Denton City Civic Center and proceeded through downtown Denton, past the TWU University campus, and to Fred Moore Park. The floats in the parade handed out candy along the way and was well received by the local residents, especially the African-American residents, and the parade received an award from the organizers. You can click here for more pictures.
The U.S. federal government declared the end of slavery for African-Americans in the Thirteenth Constitutional Amendment in early 1863, and Texas did not give them their freedom until June 19, 1865. In 1980, Texas was the first state to make Juneteenth a state holiday, introduced and then legislated by Democratic State Representative Edward. On June 15, 2021, the U.S. Senate unanimously passed a bill to make Juneteenth a federal holiday, and the next day the House of Representatives voted 415 to 14 in favor. President Joe Biden signed the bill into law on June 17, designating Juneteenth as a national holiday commemorating the abolition of slavery in the United States, and the government said most federal employees could take the holiday off to celebrate.
Asian Cultural and Educational Association President Jian Xie thanked the organizers Juneteenth University, INC and Mr. D.J. Cox for the invitation and the heartfelt admiration for the emancipation of black slaves and the efforts to fight for African-Americans today! She would also like to thank the volunteers for their support and sponsors. These include Sofia Vig, who drove a long way down despite the fatigue of just returning from a trip abroad, Shivalika and Xima who helped spread candy along the way, and Jessica Wu who helped with the designs and purchases. A big thanks to Ming Place China Bistro and Zhao Star China Bistro for their sponsorship.
The Asian Cultural and Education Society USA is an officially registered 501C3 organization that welcomes everyone to volunteer to help promote culture and work together to provide opportunities for youth to develop their talents. For details please contact [email protected], webpage: www.acaesusa.org.
2022年六月18日, 亚洲文化和教育协会受邀参加了在Denton举行的六月独立日游行,游行从Denton市政府中心开始,穿过热闹的Denton市中心,经过TWU大学校园,前往弗雷德摩尔公园。沿路花车游行发糖,受到了当地居民尤其是非裔居民的热烈欢迎。并且得到了组织者的嘉奖 。更多图片点这里:
亚洲文化和教育协会会长解健感谢了组织者的邀请,也为黑人奴隶的解放和为今天非裔努力抗争而由衷的钦佩!感谢亚洲文化和教育协会的义工们的支持和赞助商的赞助。其中包括Sofia Vig 不顾刚从国外旅途返回的疲劳一路驾驶,Shivalika 和 Xima沿路帮助撒糖,Jessica Wu帮助设计和购买。感谢Ming Place China Bistro和Zhao Star China Bistro的赞助。
亚洲文化和教育协会是一家正式注册的501C3公益组织,欢迎大家来做义工帮助宣传文化,共同为青少年的发展才能提供机会。详情请联系[email protected]. 网站www.acaesusa.org.