The 2023 AANHPI UNITY SUMMIT was successfully held in Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States, from September 25 to 27, 2023. This conference was organized by the Asian American Unity Coalition (AAUC) on Capitol Hill. Mrs. Jan Xie, President of the Asian Cultural and Educational Society USA (ACAESUSA) and Secretary of AAUC, led ACAESUSA team to attend this conference.

Several distinguished individuals received well-deserved recognition for their outstanding contributions:
US Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi was honored with the Dilip Singh Saund Political Leadership Award.
US Rep. Grace Meng received the Norman Mineta Public Service Award.
Dr. Romesh Japra was celebrated with the Community Service Award.
Mr. C. C. Yin was acknowledged as Philanthropist of the Year.
Ms. Tammalivis Salanoa presented with the President’s Award for Young Asian Pacific Island American.
Ms. Jessica Wu from Highland Park High School received the President’s Special Award for Youth.

The hard work of the organizing team, led by Dr.Lo, President of the Asian American Unity Coalition, was instrumental in the success of the conference. The event garnered significant support from various dignitaries, including Senator Richard Blumenthal from Connecticut, Congresswoman Grace Meng from New York, Congresswoman Judy Chu from California, Congressman Sri Tanada from Michigan, and numerous House and Senate staffers who attended the Capitol Hill reception.
A small delegation from the conference attended a White House briefing in the Dwight D. Eisenhower Executive Office Building. During the briefing, they established connections with senior administration officials and explored opportunities for future collaborations, demonstrating the government’s concern for Asian and Pacific Islander communities. Jan Xie emphasized the contributions of Chinese Americans in the United States. Chinese Americans are not spies in the U.S., nor are they the COVID19 Virus; Chinese Americans work hard in the U.S. and contribute to the U.S., not come to get U.S. benefit without working for it.

2023年9月25日至27日,2023 AANHPI UNITY SUMMIT亚裔和太平洋岛裔美国人团结峰会在美国首都华盛顿特区顺利举行。这次会议由亚裔美国统一联盟(AAUC)在国会山庄举办。美国亚洲文化和教育协会(ACAESUSA)会长兼亚裔美国统一联盟秘书长解健带队参加了这次会议.

在会上几位杰出人士因其做出的杰出贡献而获得了表彰: 美国众议院议员 Raja Krishnamoorthi 荣获 Dilip Singh Saund 政治领袖奖。美国众议员孟昭文 Grace Meng 荣获诺曼-米内塔公共服务奖。Romesh Japra 博士荣获社区服务奖。C.C. Yin 先生荣获年度慈善家奖。Tammalivis Salanoa 女士荣获总统青年奖和来自Highland park 高中的Jessica Wu 获得青少年特别总统奖。

感谢亚裔美国统一联盟的会长钟秀昆女士带领的组织者团队辛勤的努力。这次会议引来了众多众要的现场支持。包括康涅狄格州参议员理查德-布卢门撒尔,纽约国会议员孟昭文 Grace Meng, 加州国会议员赵美心Judy Chu, 密西根国会议员斯里-塔纳达,以及来访的众议院和参议院工作人员也出席了国会山招待会。


亚洲文化和教育协会参加这次国会山团结峰会的还有来自达拉斯大学的邵创,以及程振刚,熙诚,Shiv, Sofia, Shivalika and Shivya。在大会上参与并且走访了参议员和议员办公室。感谢华盛顿的朋友们的热心帮助,包括山东同乡会的孙强先生,不辞辛劳接送的孙远帆女士和美国华人联合会主席薛海培先生的帮助。加入到美国亚洲文化和教育协会的义工队伍中,可以联系[email protected]