
State fair of Texas 2022

The 2022 State Fair of Texas (Sept. 30 – Oct. 23) marking its 136th year. 这是一个好看好吃又好玩的大型活动,值得大家去看一看。其中孩子们喜欢的小鸡,小牛和小羊等农场动物的展览,给小朋友们带来了很多的乐趣。



南加州大学(University of Southern California,缩写USC)成立于1880年,是一所中等大小的私立综合性全国大学,位于美国西部大都会洛杉矶市区,该校是加州最古老的私立研究型大学,也是美国西海岸最古老的大学之一。其中有电影学院,新闻学院,公共政策学院,建筑学院和工程学院等等。










2022年6月25日,《谁是歌王》大赛决赛在SPACE KTV圆满结束。在这次大赛决赛中,林江南获得了第一名。李力获得了第二名,Teddy Tian以一首《丸之内虐待狂》获得了第三名和最受观众喜爱奖。更多图片请点这里

张晨艺术学校的创始人张晨老师是这次比赛的主要评委。张晨艺术学校是培养未来歌手的摇篮,在过去的几年里取得了优异的成绩,得到了达福地区人们的支持和认可,同时推荐很多优秀的选手参加各种国际歌唱大赛及中美文化交流。另外这次评委还有我们刘金红老师,及张晨艺术学校形象设计、美妆马睿老师和摄影解健老师。SPACE KTV这次比赛的组织者Kasey和Sean感谢所有来宾的大力支持,使得这次比赛顺利进行。


1. 李力

2. Teddy Tian 

3. 杨谋

4. Scott Li

5. Amber

6. 李根

7. Grace Wang

8. Dunchuan Wu

9. 二檀

10. 林江南


On 06/25, the finals for the Song King Competition were successfully held at SPACE KTV. Among them, JiangNan Lin won first place.The second and third place winners were Lily and Teddy Tian respectively.

Mr. Zhang Chen, the founder of Zhang Chen Art School, was the main judge of this competition. Zhang Chen Art School is a cradle for future singers and has achieved excellent results in the past few years, gaining support and sponsorship from people in the DFW area. The owner of SPACE Kasey & Sean were the organizers of the competition and thank all the guests for their great support to make this competition a success.


ACAESUSA Joined the Juneteenth Parade 2022 in Denton


On June 18, 2022, the Asian Cultural and Education Society USA was invited to participate in the June Independence Day Parade in Denton, which began at the Denton City Civic Center and proceeded through downtown Denton, past the TWU University campus, and to Fred Moore Park. The floats in the parade handed out candy along the way and was well received by the local residents, especially the African-American residents, and the parade received an award from the organizers. You can click here for more pictures.

The U.S. federal government declared the end of slavery for African-Americans in the Thirteenth Constitutional Amendment in early 1863, and Texas did not give them their freedom until June 19, 1865. In 1980, Texas was the first state to make Juneteenth a state holiday, introduced and then legislated by Democratic State Representative Edward. On June 15, 2021, the U.S. Senate unanimously passed a bill to make Juneteenth a federal holiday, and the next day the House of Representatives voted 415 to 14 in favor. President Joe Biden signed the bill into law on June 17, designating Juneteenth as a national holiday commemorating the abolition of slavery in the United States, and the government said most federal employees could take the holiday off to celebrate. 

Asian Cultural and Educational Association President Jian Xie thanked the organizers Juneteenth University, INC and Mr. D.J. Cox for the invitation and the heartfelt admiration for the emancipation of black slaves and the efforts to fight for African-Americans today! She would also like to thank the volunteers for their support and sponsors. These include Sofia Vig, who drove a long way down despite the fatigue of just returning from a trip abroad, Shivalika and Xima who helped spread candy along the way, and Jessica Wu who helped with the designs and purchases. A big thanks to Ming Place China Bistro and Zhao Star China Bistro for their sponsorship.

The Asian Cultural and Education Society USA is an officially registered 501C3 organization that welcomes everyone to volunteer to help promote culture and work together to provide opportunities for youth to develop their talents.  For details please contact [email protected], webpage:

2022年六月18日, 亚洲文化和教育协会受邀参加了在Denton举行的六月独立日游行,游行从Denton市政府中心开始,穿过热闹的Denton市中心,经过TWU大学校园,前往弗雷德摩尔公园。沿路花车游行发糖,受到了当地居民尤其是非裔居民的热烈欢迎。并且得到了组织者的嘉奖 。更多图片点这里:


亚洲文化和教育协会会长解健感谢了组织者的邀请,也为黑人奴隶的解放和为今天非裔努力抗争而由衷的钦佩!感谢亚洲文化和教育协会的义工们的支持和赞助商的赞助。其中包括Sofia Vig 不顾刚从国外旅途返回的疲劳一路驾驶,Shivalika 和 Xima沿路帮助撒糖,Jessica Wu帮助设计和购买。感谢Ming Place China Bistro和Zhao Star China Bistro的赞助。

亚洲文化和教育协会是一家正式注册的501C3公益组织,欢迎大家来做义工帮助宣传文化,共同为青少年的发展才能提供机会。详情请联系[email protected]. 网站


Natasha Harper-Madison

市议员娜塔莎-哈珀-麦迪逊(Natasha Harper-Madison)代表奥斯汀第一区,这是她出生和成长的地方。Natasha Harper-Madison在竞选连任,希望大家都来支持她。

她在这里长大的经历使她对社区有着深刻的了解。作为一个成功的小企业主,她在东区学到的经验使她走上了宣传的道路。她曾担任东12街商人协会的主席,还创建了East Austin Advocates,一个致力于将代表性不足的居民与帮助他们成功所需要的资源联系起来的非营利组织。

在社区踊跃的活动激起了哈珀-麦迪逊对寻求公职的兴趣。 她在2018年首次竞选市议会时实现了这一目标。2020年,她的同事们投票任命她为临时市长,这是奥斯汀市议会中第二个拥有这一头衔的非裔女性。






亚洲文化和教育协会的夏季文化宣传活动于六月四号圆满举行。今年活动的策划和实施全部由亚洲文化和教育协会的青少年完成。感谢本次活动的场地赞助商 Onion Creek Ranch。200多亩地以及开满荷花的湖,奔跑的小鹿,满地的野花和靶场。宽阔的场地使得这一次的活动内容比去年更加丰富,家长和孩子们觉得受益匪浅,寓教于乐中玩得都很尽兴。

From left to the right: Andy Xu, Jessica Wu

本次夏令营活动的青少年负责人Jessica Wu和Andy Xu感谢营员们的大力支持以及家长们的无私奉献。

为了准备这次活动, Amy, Jessica, Andy 和 Samuel 提前聚在一起开会讨论,最后决定这次活动和亚洲文化和教育协会的青少年领袖培训营一起办。这些来培训的青少年义工们利用新学到的知识更加细致的策划和组织了这场活动。图片从左到右:Emily Wang,Warner Yan,  Dayou Wu, Crystal Luong,Andy Xu,Jessica Wu 和 Eric Wang。 

本次活动同时感谢青少年义工Amy Xu,Samuel Wu,Joanne Jin ,Amber Wang, Grace Wang and William Xu 他们克服了新冠病毒和炎热的天气,成功的举办了这次活动,参加的孩子们满载而归。受到了入营家长们的普遍好评。

活动的当天,每一位义工都踊跃的欢迎新朋友的到来。他们相互介绍认识新朋友。小朋友们一起制做独立日游行准备投放的礼物,串公益义卖爱心手链,包粽子,包饺子,在微波荡漾的湖水中泛舟,钓鱼, 夜里烤棉花糖,用大望远镜看月亮, 和父母一起在靶场上打枪,一起晚饭烧烤BBQ,一起烤羊肉串,听每一位家长们分享心目中最爱的孩子们的故事,欢声笑语中一直到深夜,大家在依依不舍中离开。

亚洲文化和教育协会是正式注册的501C3慈善组织,感谢大家支持公益活动,请加入我们的义工队伍: [email protected]

The Asian Cultural and Education Society USA Summer Cultural Awareness Program was successfully held on June 4th. This year’s event was planned and executed entirely by the Asian Cultural and Education Society USA Youth Council. Thanks to our sponsor, Onion Creek Ranch, for the over 200 acres of land and the lake housing lotus flowers, running deer, wildflowers, and a shooting range. The wide open space made this event even more informative than last year, and both parents and children had a great time. 

The camp’s directors, Jessica Wu and Andy Xu thank the campers for their great performances and their parents  for their support.

Amy, Jessica, Andy, and Samuel met ahead of time to discuss the event and decided to run it in conjunction with the Asian Cultural and Education Society Youth Leadership Camp. The youth volunteers who came to the training used their knowledge to plan and organize the event with greater efficiency. 

From left to right: Emily Wang, Warner Yan, Dayou Wu, Crystal Luong, Andy Xu, Jessica Wu and Eric Wang. We also thank the youth volunteers Amy Xu, Samuel Wu, Joanne Jin, Eric Wang, Amber Wang, Grace Wang and William Xu who overcame Covid -19 virus and the hot weather to organize the event successfully. The event was well received by the parents who attended the camp.

On the day of the event, each volunteer enthusiastically welcomed new friends, and they introduced each other to their new friends. The students made gifts for the Independence Day parade, strung charity sale bracelets, made dumplings and Zongzi, rafted in the lake, fished, roasted marshmallows at night, and looked at the moon through a big telescope.  Also, the students and the parents shot guns on the firing range, barbecued BBQ for dinner, grilled lamb kebabs. We listened to each of the parents share their favorite stories about their children and laughed until late at night.

Asian Cultural and Educational Society USA is a 501C3 non profit organization, You can  join ACAESUSA by sending an email to [email protected]

You can find more information at




Beth Biesel

Evidence-Driven, Solution-Rich Symposium

at the Frontiers of Flight Museum

April 30th, Saturday, 9:00am-3:30pm
in person or live stream*

––  featuring  ––

Internationally Acclaimed Investigative Journalist
Attendees will:

Participate in an in-depth examination 
of the indisputable vulnerabilities of the current electronic systems

Witness demonstrations 
by subject matter expertsof vote switching in a real election system 
and easy access to election management software. 

Hear the latest updates 
and solutions from key election integrity professionals 
from other states 

See legislators and candidates 
who are invited to share their concerns and solutions

Walk away with actions 
to take forward into our community

See flyer below for more details. Registration begins at 8:30am. Lunch provided.

To attend in-person, buy tickets at




主持人拉拉-LOGAN 国际知名的调查性新闻工作者


见证主题专家在真正的选举系统中演示, 见证主题专家对真实选举系统中的投票转换的演示,以及对选举管理软件的简易访问。

听取关键的选举完整性专业人员的最新更新, 听取来自其他州的主要选举完整性专家的最新信息和解决方案,听取来自其他州的主要选举诚信专家的最新信息和解决方案.





Asian Texan for Justice hosted an evening of community building with DFW’s AAPI leaders

New statewide organization brings DFW’s Asian American leaders together Asian Texans for Justice (ATJ), a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization hosted an evening of community building with DFW’s Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) leaders.

In attendance included APAPA North Texas Chapter, Women of Asian Descent, Korean American Coalition, The Progressive Vietnamese American Organization, OCA-DFW, and many others. ATJ’s executive director, Lily Trieu and senior strategy consultant, Mingfei Alice Yi hosted the open invite AAPI Community Happy Hour in Irving, TX on April 14th. Asian Texans for Justice envisions a future where all people feel bold in their belonging by connecting Asian Texans of all intersectional identities to meaningful civic action to build personal and political power for future generations.

ATJ will continue to work with DFW leaders and others across the state to strengthen the AAPI coalition. They work on issues such as voter engagement and education, census and redistricting, advocacy for Asian American studies, language access and other important issues across the state.


解健 ([email protected])

新的全州性组织将DFW的亚裔领导人聚集在一起 亚裔德州人正义组织(ATJ),一个无党派的非营利组织,与DFW的亚裔和太平洋岛民(AAPI)领导人举办了一个社区建设座谈会。

出席者包括APAPA北德克萨斯州分会,亚裔妇女,韩裔美国人联盟,进步的越裔美国人组织,美华协会,以及其他许多组织的领导人。ATJ的执行董事Lily Trieu和高级战略顾问赵明菲于4月14日在德克萨斯州欧文市举办了公开邀请的亚太裔社区座谈会。德州亚裔正义组织设想了一个美好的未来,将德州亚裔与有意义的公民行动联系起来,为后代建立个人和政治力量,让所有人都能有归属感。





Meeting Recording:

Access Passcode: AUTISM*0402


Chen-yuan Tung presented the Mosha Overseas Chinese Affairs Professional Medal to Mu Chenghua

Jan Xie 解健 ( [email protected] )

Chairman of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Council Tong Chen-yuan on March 22 in Houston Chinese Cultural and Educational Services Center, presented the Fu Mo Sha Overseas Chinese Affairs Professional Medal to Overseas Chinese Affairs Advisory Board member Mu Chenghua, thanking him for his long service in the overseas Chinese community, and the promotion of Chinese language education. (Click here for more pictures)

Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Houston Director Luo Fuwen, Houston Cultural Education Center Director Chen Yifang and Deputy Director Huang Yili and more than 50, from Houston and Dallas, friends and family from all walks of life in the field. Chen-yuan Tung said in his speech, Mu Chenghua in Dallas to promote overseas Chinese affairs and overseas Chinese education work for 50 years, making a lot of contributions, serving the overseas Chinese community during the establishment of the Dallas Chinese Activities Center and Chinese School, for the unity of overseas Chinese community. He stressed that he was very happy to present the medal to Houston as a congratulatory gift on Mr.Mu’s 80th birthday, and hoped that Mu would continue to carry forward his legacy; this year coincides with the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission, and congratulated the Commission on its happy birthday. Meng Min kuan shared Mu Chenghua’s story, that he has dedicated his life to the development of traditional culture, served as the principal and chairman of the board of directors of the Hua Xing Chinese School, continued efforts to promote the work of overseas Chinese and heritage education work, dedication to the spirit of admiration, thank him for his own carry and cultivation.

He has also founded the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, the Dallas Chinese Activities Center, the Chinese Voters Association, and assisted in the establishment of the Glorious Society, the Double Ten National Day Preparatory Committee, the Chinese Association of Societies, the Blue Sky Golf Club, the Dallas Sun Yat-sen Academic Research Association, Mu has organized three Miss Chinatown pageants, served as he has hosted countless National Day dinners and received countless political and business officials and leaders from all over the world.
Mr. Vincent Hsiao, the outgoing Vice President, was visiting Dallas as the Director of the Bureau of International Trade when he caught a bad cold and was not allowed to move around in the hotel. 
In that year, the chairman of the board of directors of Hua Xing Nursery School, Jonah Koo, went to Dallas to attend the International Women’s Conference. Perhaps due to her diet, she suffered from diarrhea and had to be sent to Dallas Hospital. When she was admitted to the hospital, she found an Oriental-faced doctor who was with her from beginning to end, and was always there to help with her care. Why do you care so much about a person you don’t know? Mr. Mu said, “Chairman, I am not a resident, I am an alumnus of Huaxing and I have been nurtured by Huaxing.

Director Yang Jin-Tian, who worked at the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Houston, was going back to Houston for a meeting after attending Eddie Bernice Johnson’s re-election celebration dinner in Dallas. By the time Commissioner Mu was ready to drive Director Yang to the airport, his legs were too sore to step on the brakes. 
When Mr. Mu accompanied Mayor Steve Bartlett of Dallas and Congressman Eddie Bernice Johnson to Taiwan to meet President Ma, he made warm arrangements along the way and did a beautiful job of national diplomacy.
Mr.Mu of this life, in his back silently support his people, is Mu’s wife – Ms. Luo Fenglan, this year is also their 50th wedding anniversary of the golden wedding joy.

Mu expressed his sincere gratitude for the medal, and said that he grew up in Hua Xing Nursery since childhood, and was deeply concerned by the country’s support and care for the community, and that it was his duty to give back to the overseas Chinese community. After returning to the U.S., he and his friends set up the Chinese School, which has grown from 92 students to more than 1,400 students. For the overseas Chinese community he is very grateful, and hope that overseas Chinese community in the leadership of Chen-yuan Tung more prosperous and strong.

In the evening after the award ceremony,  American First National Bank Chairman Wu Wenlong specially set up a seafood banquet to entertain everyone. Toasting and celebrating, we spent a happy evening.

The next morning, Mr. Chen-yuan Tung had a talk with the overseas leaders of the Dallas Chinese American community.











當年任職於休士頓台北經濟文化辦事處的楊進添處長,在Dallas參加完Eddie Bernice Johnson連任的慶功晚宴準備趕回休士頓開會,沒想到大樓的電梯壞了,牟委員陪著楊處長走了46層樓的樓梯才到達停車場,當牟委員準備開車送楊處長到機場時,此時的兩條腿已經酸痛不能踩刹車。這是牟委員對長官的體貼相隨,

當年陪同Dallas市長Steve Bartlett,以及國會議員Eddie Bernice Johnson回台灣覲見馬總統,牟委員的一路隨行暖心安排,扎實地做了一場漂亮的國民外交,這是牟委員的愛國情操。


在完成我今天的介紹之前,我還要介紹一位牟委員這一生中,在他背後默默支持他的人,就是牟委員夫人 – 羅鳳蘭女士,今年也是他們結婚50周年金婚之喜,牟委員能擁有今天的榮耀,是羅鳳蘭女士她從不嘮叨、從不抱怨、從不計較的把牟委員的年輕獻給了國家,把牟委員的時間捐給了僑社,把牟委員的愛心分享給僑胞,就是這一份大量大捨,也才使兩人可以在攜手共進的50年後一起分享這份榮耀。現在就讓我們用我們真誠摯愛的心,一起祝福他們共享福爾摩沙僑務專業獎章。