2022 APAYS – Asian Pacific American Youth Summit

  • 2022 亚太裔青年峰会

第一届亚太裔美国人青年峰会(2022 APAYS)2022年11月23日和24日,在拉斯维加斯和网上同时顺利举行。有一千多人网上观看了这次会议。
2022年APAYS的会议主席是Jessica Wu致开幕词,感谢大家的到来。Sherman, Carl德州议员给大家以亲切的视频问候。各个分会场的主持人Serene Luo, Crystal Luong, Shivalika Vig, Hei man Cheung和Arielle Li。会议由亚洲文化教育协会(ACAESUSA)和旗下的青年理事会领导团队组织。峰会旨在为亚太裔青年创造一个社区平台,让他们相互交流,共同合作,相互学习,建立他们的信任和信心。


与会青年听取了受邀教授和学者关于商业、计算机和医疗保健系统的各种演讲,包括一些成功企业家的故事。 “我们真的很感谢演讲者,他们愿意奉献自己的时间和才能来给我们年轻人分享。”APAYS2022年的主席 Jessica Wu。

The first Asian Pacific American Youth Summit (2022 APAYS), covering the theme: Engage, Inspire, and Empower, was held both in-person at  Las Vegas and virtual on November 23 and 24, 2022. Over a thousand people virtual watched this free Conference.

The opening remarks by the chair of the The 2022 APAYS Jessica Wu thanks everyone for coming. Rep. Sherman, Carl Sr. gave a welcome speech. The Session Chairs are Serene Luo, Crystal Luong, Shivalika Vig, Hei man Cheung and Arielle Li. The meeting organized by the Asian Cultural and Educational Society (ACAESUSA) and the ACAESUSA Youth Council Leadership Team. The summit aimed to create a community platform for AAPI youths to interact with each other, to work together, and to learn from each other to build their trust and confidence.

 At the conference, a variety of culture topics selected by the Youth Council Leadership Team and current challenges faced by the Asian Pacific Islander youth communities were discussed and presented. Those topics and challenges include mental health, gender differences, traditional American culture, Asian culture, economic development, and challenges on choosing career options for the future, among others.

 The participating youths heard a variety of speeches on business, computers, and healthcare systems given by invited professors and scholars, including stories from some successful entrepreneurs. Like Ellen & Brian, Jingling Li…”We truly appreciate speakers like you who are willing to give their time and talents to enrich the lives of our young people.” by the chair of the APAYS 2022 Jessica Wu. 

 The youth have worked very hard. If you would like to know more, please click here.